I took a year away from school due to medical reasons resulting from a car accident and I am finding the transition back into school sometimes jarring and even unfamiliar. During my medical leave, aside from periods where i was in too much pain, I created my own schedule for work. I only have this one studio course this year and am learning to adjust to the amount of time academic courses take from my studio practice. I am interested in all of my courses and the readings, but am looking forward to when I am back at the helm of my schedule :)
I have been having a couple technical difficulties starting my new video project. I was hoping to get it started on the weekend, but am now adjusting that to Tuesday night. I think it will take 4 or 5 Days to film the piece and then a number of days to edit.
The video will be in 4 parts. I aim to get 2 segments finished this semester and 2 during the Spring semester. The first part of my video will be based on the word Sala, which in the Heiltsuk language means patience. Patience is something I have had to really instil back into my practice. I find that my ideas are further ahead than my current abilities. Most of my work is rooted in my culture I need to be aware of protocols and things like that when I am making work that remixes traditional form and content either digitally or conceptually. I have had to scale back some ideas after going back home this summer and seeing that there are really some strong rules about what we can and cant do. I have always tried to push boundaries while still operating in respect to my culture and have come to realize that I will not be able to please everyone.
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