Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Laser Show - Amphibian Regalia

Personal Regalia for multimedia performance, Dance Party, VJ armour.

Each of these 4 pieces is made of or contains elements of family heirloom that has been passed down to me.
 Regalia Mode
     Laser Show - Hand me down Louiseville Slugger, Horsehair, acrylic.
                       Laser Show is a commonly used baseball term for when a team is hitting  
                       the "light out," or rather getting multiple runs. I also like to use lasers in daily

Hand Me Down Welding Mask, Gifted fake moustache and Unibrow, Barbie Arms, Yellow Cedar tongue. - The Light Blocker

Hand me down License Plate, Horse Hair, Gifted wooden and bone beads

Regalia for everyday performance. Regalia with personal attachment. Non-constrictive to medium.