Wednesday, 9 January 2013

I don't like to define myself as an artist based on on single medium. I have been mixing digital media, performance, painting, collage and anything else I can get my hands on or try. I was told that I would eventually choose 1 or 2 mediums.  That prospect seems suffocating to me. It may mean I never master any one technique or medium, but I also don't believe in the concept of mastery. I think once you call yourself a master your practice then stagnates, because you believe you are at the pinnacle with nothing left to learn or explore. The word I use for my practice is "Wuulhu." which comes from the Wuikila language meaning "to fuse together." Traditionally this word may have been used for tool making or painting, or perhaps it had spiritual connotations - fusing to the supernatural. I use this word today to wrap my methods, ideas, symbols and actions into one process. I feel the message and the media can interact equally and the chosen medium can in turn be fused with others...continially remixed, re-fused and recombined and subtracted. Here is a link to a piece I am working on. Sala = Patience is a short video that has been used as part of a live audio visual performance and as a digital installation.